MariaDB Sponsors

MariaDB Corporation

MariaDB Corporation, Founding Member of MariaDB Foundation, is the Primary Code Contributor to MariaDB Server. They provide products and services around MariaDB. MariaDB Corporation has the largest number of MariaDB experts and contributors. MariaDB provides subscription services and downloads with additional enterprise features.


Acronis unifies data protection and cybersecurity to deliver integrated, automated cyber protection that solves the safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security (SAPAS) challenges of the modern digital world. With flexible deployment models that fit the demands of service providers and IT professionals, Acronis provides superior cyber protection for data, applications, and systems with innovative next-generation antivirus, backup, disaster recovery, and endpoint protection management solutions powered by AI.

Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of global cloud computing services to power both international customers and Alibaba Group’s own e-commerce ecosystem. Alibaba Cloud offers high-performance, elastic computing power in the cloud.


Founded in 1968, Intel’s technology has been at the heart of computing breakthroughs. They are an industry leader, creating world-changing technology that enables global progress and enriches lives. They stand at the brink of several technology inflections—artificial intelligence (AI), 5G network transformation, and the rise of the intelligent edge—that together will shape the future of technology.


Microsoft is the leading platform and productivity company for the mobile-first, cloud-first world, and its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.


ServiceNow allows employees to work the way they want to, not how software dictates they have to. And customers can get what they need, when they need it.


Founded in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, in 2019, the Schaffhausen Institute of Technology (SIT) is a Swiss international educational and research institution founded by entrepreneurs and led by world-class scientists. SIT addresses global challenges through science, technology, and education. This flagship project relies on a network of industry and other partners, including the world’s top-ranking universities and leading computers, physics, and business scientists.